Monday, April 14, 2014

Permanent Resident at the Purse Table, a COTT Feature

"Keisha's debut novel is a sweet reminderof the redeeming power of love, along with a dose of drama between goodfriends! Her characters are so relatable because they're imperfect peoplewho've made some serious mistakes--just like the rest of us!"

-Michelle Stimpson,nNational Bestselling Author

About the book:

If you're size six, you dance. If you're Ava Alexander, you watch thepurses while your girlfriends dance. Each man that passes her by takes alittle of her self-esteem. After escaping a mentally abusive relationship,she promises God she will wait on Him to bring her the right man. And shemeans it--Until Ishmael. When her best friend's fiancé throws a fewcompliments her way, she travels down the path of betrayal. Ava's choicestrains her friendship and sends her into a depression. Ava receives spiritual guidance from Dr. Glory Moses. Through God's Word,there is a glimpse of hope for a restored friendship, and a newfound lovefor the woman she is. In addition, a man she meets at the counseling centeroffers her a glimpse of what could be if she lines up with God's will forher life. Will Ava be able to overcome her insecurities and step into the life Godplans for her, or will she continue to self-destruct?



What COTT voters had to say:
* I'm happy to see a novel with a plus-sized woman as the main character.Thanks, Keisha!
* I voted for Permanent Resident at the Purse Table!! Good luck Keisha!
* Permanent Resident at the Purse Table!! You won't be able to put itdown!
* Keisha Bass, Your book sounds like a must-read! We've all soughtvalidation in a way that brought trouble. Can't wait to see how all turnsout! Lana K.
About the author:
Keisha Bass has a bachelor's degree in Kinesiology with a minor in Englishand holds teaching certificates in
English, Speech, and Physical Education. She has been a teacher and coachfor fourteen years, and currently teaches middle school physical educationand coach girls' volleyball and softball. She grew up in Houston, Texas,but now resides in Arlington, Texas. Keisha is also Vice President of theDFW Ready Writers, a local chapter of American Christian Fiction Writers,and a member of North Texas Christian Writers.
Permanent Resident at the Purse Table is Keisha's first novel. Shehas published non-fiction articles in magazines and two onlinepublications, and Her article, "HeartProblems", was published in Chicken Soup for the Soul: A Book ofMiracles.

Keisha, when is your next book due out and can you tell us aboutit?
"My next book, Permanent Resident at the Altar, is due out November2015. It takes a closer look at my main characters' lives from the firstbook and how they are moving forward in their newfound situations. There'sdrama, laughter, and definitely more chances to learn how to lean on God inevery area of their lives."

Connect with Keisha: 

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