On October 22, 2014, A Miracle of Hope won Clash of the Titles'Laurel Award. During a six-week period, the novel's first 3,500 words wereread and judged by avid readers of Christian fiction who determined it tobe the worthiest to receive the 2014 Laurel Award.
Clash of the Titles extends a heartfelt congratulations to author Ruth Reidfor her commendable work. We wish God's abundant blessings on her futureprojects.
“A Miracle of Hope quickens a reader’s heart in hope that one child’s faithwill be miracle enough.” –Alan Daugherty, News-Banner columnist
Will their marriage survive their struggles, or will their hearts become ascold as the northern winter?
“A beautifully written love story, A Miracle of Hope is both heartwarmingand heartbreaking and features believable, charming characters who arewilling to do whatever it takes for love.” 4 stars, RT Book Reviews

About Ruth:
Ruth is a CBA and ECPA best-selling author of the Heaven on Earthand Amish Wonders series. When attending Ferris State University School ofPharmacy in Big Rapids, Michigan, she lived on the outskirts of an Amishcommunity and had several occasions to visit the Amish farms. Her interestgrew into love as she saw the beauty in living a simple life. Ruth residesin Florida with her husband and three children.
She can be reached HERE.
“…Ruth’s descriptions of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula during the winter arevivid and almost hauntingly beautiful—yet the hardship and “cabin fever”element are very real. But it’s character depth that is this story’sstrength…” –Carole Jarvis, Amazon ReviewRuth's Upcoming Projects:
HerChristmas Pen Pal, a novella in An Amish Second Christmas collectionreleasedOctober 2014.
AWoodland Miracle will be released in January2015
She is currentlyworking on book three of the Amish Wonders Series (untitled at thistime; release is planned for 2016).
Authors, take note!
Clash of the Titles has opened its doors forsubmissions to the 2015 Olympia.
TheOlympia is COTT's yearly contest for unpublished writers. Thesubmissions are judged by their audience—readers well versedinChristian fiction yet not associated with the CBA industry.
Authors write for readers, so why not have readers bethe judges?
Finalists in the contest will also have their work read and judgedby three industry professionals!
With a submission fee of only $15, easy electronic submission, abevy of prizes, and judges devoted to Christian fiction and authorencouragement, the Olympia is a contest like no other.
Butonce our doors are open, you'll need to act quick! Slots are limited.
To avoid overburdening our volunteerjudges, we are limited in the number of submissions we canaccept.
Oct. 31, 2014-Dec 12,2014
For more details, please visit oursite.
Stay tuned for updates by
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