A delightful transport through time, The Rancher Takes a Cookbrings history to life with realistic characters, a colorful setting,and comfort food that teases your appetite!
~ Melody Carlson,
author of 200+ books
When their South Carolina home burns to the ground, Anna Stewart’s onlychoice is to move with her younger brother to the wilds of a Texas ranch.
Their prospects are beginning to look better, until the rancher’s son,Jacob O’Brien, shows up with his alarmingly blue eyes to put a kink inAnna’s well-controlled plans.
When danger escalates in the form of a band of cattle thieves with deadlyintent, can Anna learn to release control to God’s capable hands…and thoseof the blue-eyed cowboy who’s stolen her heart?
Misty M. Beller was raised on a farm in South Carolina, so herSouthern roots run deep. Growing up, her family was close, and theycontinue to keep that priority today. Her husband and two daughters now addanother dimension to her life, keeping her both grounded and crazy.
God has placed a desire in Misty’s heart to combine her love forChristian fiction and the simpler ranch life, writing historical novelsthat display God’s abundant love through the twists and turns in the livesof her characters.
You can find her on her website;, reader blog, marketing blog for authors, Goodreads;, Twitter;, Google+;, and Pinterest;. Or check out herbooks The Lady and theMountain Man, The Ladyand the Mountain Doctor, or
Misty's favorite Scripture and prayer for readers:
For this reason we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to prayfor you, and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His willin all wisdom and spiritual understanding; that you may walk worthy of theLord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasingin the knowledge of God; strengthened with all might, according to Hisglorious power, for all patience and longsuffering with joy.(NKJV)
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