Tuesday, January 31, 2012

To Kill A Mockingbird 50th Anniversary Edition

Just added a  book to my collection. TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD 50TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION
I tend to get excited over my book collection. I have a real passion for books and reading.


To Kill a Mockingbird
50th Anniversary Edition

Formats: Hardback | Trade paperback | Trade paperback | CD  | Large Print
Publisher:  HarperCollinsCanada

The 50th anniversary edition of one of the best-loved books in American history: Harper Lee’s Pulitzer Prize-winning classic To Kill a Mockingbird. Featuring some of the most memorable characters in literary history—attorney Atticus Finch, his children Scout and Jem, and of course Boo RadleyTo Kill a Mockingbird is the indelible story of race, class, and growing up in the Deep South of the 1930s.

To commemorate the Golden Anniversary of the “Best Novel of the 20th Century” (Library Journal poll of American librarians), filmmaker Mary Murphy has interviewed prominent figures—including Oprah, Anna Quindlen, and Tom Brokaw—on how the book has impacted their lives, and compiled the interviews in Scout, Atticus, and Boo: the perfect companion to one of the most important American books of the 20th Century.

Book Description
"Shoot all the bluejays you want, if you can hit 'em, but remember it's a sin to kill a mockingbird."

A lawyer's advice to his children as he defends the real mockingbird of Harper Lee's classic novel—a black man charged with the rape of a white girl. Through the young eyes of Scout and Jem Finch, Harper Lee explores with rich humor and unswerving honesty the irrationality of adult attitudes toward race and class in the Deep South of the 1930s. The conscience of a town steeped in prejudice, violence, and hypocrisy is pricked by the stamina and quiet heroism of one man's struggle for justice—but the weight of history will only tolerate so much.

One of the best-loved classics of all time, To Kill a Mockingbird has earned many dis-tinctions since its original publication in 1960. It has won the Pulitzer Prize, been translated into more than forty languages, sold more than forty million copies worldwide, and been made into an enormously popular movie. It was also named the best novel of the twentieth century by librarians across the country (Library Journal). HarperCollins is proud to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the book's publication with this special hardcover edition.

Author Extras

Critical Praise for To Kill a Mockingbird
“All of the tactile brilliance and none of the precocity generally supposed to be standard swamp-warfare issues for Southern writers. . . . Novelist Lee’s prose has an edge that cuts through cant, and she teaches the reader an astonishing number of useful truths about little girls and about Southern life. . . . Scout Finch is fiction’s most appealing child since Carson McCullers’s Frankie got left behind at the wedding.”
“That rare literary phenomenon, a Southern novel with no mildew on its magnolia leaves. Funny, happy and written with unspectacular precision, To Kill a Mockingbird is about conscience—how it is instilled in two children, Scout and Jem Finch; how it operates in their father, Atticus, a lawyer appointed to defend a Negro on a rape charge, and how conscience grows in their small Alabama town.”
“A first novel of such rare excellence that it will no doubt make a great many readers slow down to relish more fully its simple distinction. . . . A novel of strong contemporary national significance.”

Monday, January 30, 2012

Review: Leviathan with A Fish-Hook by S. L. Russell

I live in Kent U.K. with my family and my dog. Born in 1951 I was educated at Rochester Grammar School and Durham University. I have been writing, thinking about writing, making things up and generally telling tall stories since childhood, but got going in a serious way about ten years ago when some friends challenged me to put up or shut up. My first novel 'Leviathan with a Fish-hook' is the first of a projected trilogy. The second book, 'The Monster Behemoth', was published in September 2010. Currently I am working on the third and final title in the trilogy, 'The Land of Nimrod.'
For now, and for the foreseeable future, I am writing Christian fiction. It's a very different thing from the multifarious manifestations of this genre in America, where it is very popular. My work is realistic, 'warts and all', not afraid of doubts, fears and failures. The people in it are believable human beings with no hint of a halo: just like their creator.

My life as a Christian
I worship at St Margaret's, High Halstow where I am the church organist. www.triunity.org.uk
When visiting France I worship at Christchurch Coutances

Paperback, 286 pages
Published October 8th 2009 by Authors Online Ltd (first published 2009)
ISBN 0755211812 (ISBN13: 9780755211814
Buy from Amazon Kindle or publishers

About book

When Eileen meets Christopher, a young man with a mental illness living rough in the woods near her home, her quiet life is shaken.

Eileen is a Christian trying to live by her faith. Tentatively she befriends Christopher and gains his trust, but as his story unfolds she finds herself increasingly drawn into his life of fearful visions and spiritual turmoil.

As the tension mounts it is not only Christopher's monsters Eileen must face, but her own. Can she handle what she has let loose?

Challenging and compelling, Leviathan with a Fish-hook will keep you hooked to the last page...and beyond.


My Thoughts
Behind the unusual name of this book is an ordinary wife and mother, Eileen.  She is estranged from her husband.  One daughter is away at college and the other daughter is still living at home but stays busy with her job and social life.  Eileen also has an eight yr old  foster child, Michael.  She has raised him for the past three years.  On top of experiencing  empty nest syndrome due to the absence of her daughters she also fears Michael will soon be returning to his family.  

One day Michael and his friend were playing in the woods and came across a transient and offered him food.  Michael told Eileen about the young man.  She forbid them not to go back in the woods. But he begged her to take the man some food.  Eileen kept her promise and was even more concerned when she realized the young man was mentally unstable and not able to properly care for himself.  

In my opinion all of these events in anyone's life would cause a great deal of stress.  Eileen entering her 50's has more than her share to deal with.  Her character is a giver and it doesn't look like anyone notices she might need someone to lean on.  But everyone seems to be to busy with there own  lives to even notice something is not right with Eileen.  She leans on God and His Word for peace.  Will  she be able to cope with all life throws at her while she tries to save everyone else neglecting her own needs?  There are many beautiful scriptures the author uses all through the book that I myself treasure in my heart.  The Word of God gives me great peace. 

I highly recommend this book.

I rate this book a 5 out of 5.

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book for review from the author.  I was in no way compensated for this review.  It is my own opinion.

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* * *

Book 2' The Monster Behemoth' has now been published by Authors Online, September 2010. It's available to buy as a paperback from the publisher or Amazon and can also be read on Kindle.


Book 3 'The Land of Nimrod' has now been published by Authors Online, October 2011. It's available to buy as a paperback from the publisher or Amazon and can also be read on Kindle.


* * * *

Friday, January 27, 2012

COTT - Adventures in Writing - Michelle Massaro with April Gardner

*guest post by Michelle Massaro
(Ms. Davy) was an amazing cheerleader and I lived to make her smile with my stories. Whether I really was or not at that point, she made me believe I was a good writer. 
~ Sr. Editor April Gardner, on who inspired her writing.
Today we get to spend some time with COTT founder April Gardner. April is an amazing author, good friend, and an inspiration to me. She’s a sometime home school mom, a military wife, a talented writer, and a frugal do-it-yourselfer. So I was excited to get to pick her brain! Below are the questions that I always wanted to ask. I’m sure you will find them just as fascinating as I do.
Michelle: April, what was it like growing up with missionary parents?
April: We never lacked for excitement, that's for sure! Some MKs struggle with change, but I never minded it. I was shy and content merely to be with my family; wherever they were, I was happy, no matter the town or country! Growing up in Spain and learning Spanish was one of God's beautiful gifts to me. 
Michelle: That's so cool! Some might be surprised to hear that you are dyslexic. What advice or encouragement would you give to others out there struggling with dyslexia?
April: I'd imagine that most reading this are adults, and by the time dyslexics reach adulthood, they've managed to cope quite well. Having a child with dyslexia, however, was something that took me completely by surprise, surprisingly. LOL From what I hear, it goes through the mother, so odds were pretty good one of my kids would struggle with it. When it comes to dealing with a dyslexic child I've learned three things. 1. Patience is the name of the game! 2. Don't be afraid to reach out for help. 3. There is no shame in being dyslexic or having another learning difficulty.
Michelle: You have now experienced both the public school world and the home school world. What are your observations comparing both? 
April: My most important observation is that God's plan for our children's education is 1. God's plan for us in unique! I cannot compare how others chose to educate their children with our own choices. 2. God's plan for us is not set in stone, never to change. What might be His will one year, might not be the next. We must be flexible and keep our ears tuned to Him. He'll speak most loudly through our kids via their progress, contentment, discipline, and attitude.
Michelle: Great insights! Ok, so what began your fascination with history?
April: Laura Ingells Wilder and her Little House books! They were the first "big" books that held my attention well enough to make reading worth all the effort. I haven't looked back since!
Michelle: I love those books too! You are a military spouse--where have you lived, and which was your favorite place?
April: The military first moved us to Germany. We were 19 years old and newly married. Our tour lasted 7 years. Straight from there, we went to England for four years, and we've currently been in Georgia 2.5 years. Germany holds a very dear place in our hearts for many reasons, but I have felt most content and fulfilled right here in Georgia. God bless the USA!! Boy, it's good to be home. :-)
Michelle: Wow, that sounds so adventurous! And now you're a published author--another adventure! Who first inspired you to pursue publication and writing? Who inspires you today?
April: Several people along the path of my life worked together to inspire me to pick up the pen, but the first was my high school creative writing teacher, Ms. Davy. She was an amazing cheerleader and I lived to make her smile with my stories. Whether I really was or not at that point, she made me believe I was a good writer. Today, it's the drive to reach goals that inspires me. I do love a challenge!!
Michelle: Of the characters you've created, who is your favorite and why?
April: True Seeker, the budding Creek Indian warrior from my latest novel, Warring Spirits, is my favorite character so far. His heart is good and true to his name, he seeks wisdom, honor, and a personal relationship with the Giver and Taker of Breath.
Michelle: I like his character too. But of course, they're all good in my opinion! Besides writing excellent historical romance novels, you also have a lot to share on your blog about managing health issues with diet, frugality, and parenting. Any idea what's coming up in 2012?
April: Great question! LOL My blog is ever changing, but yes, I do tend to focus on those topics. Right now, I'm on an all-natural foods kick, so I'm sure my followers will see more of those tips in the future.
Michelle: Tell us about your recent book releases.
April: Warring Spirits is my latest adult fiction release. It's set in 1816 and is the story of a woman who might be able to hide her African heritage except for her hair, which is a dead give-away. Milly's escape from slavery leads her to the safety of Negro Fort where Major Phillip Bailey, believing her to be white, takes it upon himself to "free" her from the stronghold. At the same time, he's ordered to launch an attack against it. Accomplishing both is a virtual impossibility, especially when the beautiful woman doesn't want to be rescued. Where blood is shed, unexpected love may bloom!
Michelle: I've read it and it's awesome! Head to Amazon you guys,  you won't regret it. April, thanks for answering all my hard-hitting questions today, lol.
Readers, check out COTT this week for some of our favorite Amish Excerpts!

Finding New Friends Weekend Blog Hop Week 43

Welcome back to week 43 of Finding New Friends Weekend Blog Hop hosted by Shelly from My Saving Game, Sam from Have Sippy Will Travel and Jeannette from The Adventures of J-Man and MillerBug! Thank you all for helping make this hop so successful! We love you tons! Now what are you waiting for? Let’s get to hopping! We are finding some fabulous blogs through this hop and having a great time getting to know so many of you! So thank you for linking up again this week to those of you who are hop veterans and welcome to those who are new! Let’s continue to make new bloggy friends and increase our traffic! We do have a few simple rules for you – nothing too tough though. So here we go!
1. Please follow your hostesses My Saving Game, Have Sippy Will Travel and The Advetures of J-Man and MillerBug on one of our social media platforms.Leave us a comment and we will follow you back! (This includes Google +, Facebook or Twitter.)
2. Follow our Guest Host who this weeks is Nikki from Peace, Love and Purses.
3. You don’t have to post our button but we sure would like it if you did. Not only does it help our hop grow so we can all get new followers, but each week we will choose a guest co-host and to be considered you must have our button somewhere on your site! If you post our button and want to be considered for guest co-host, please email me at jmanandmillerbug@gmail.com to express your interest.
4. You can link up blogs, facebook, twitter accounts, whatever - just be sure to specify what each link is.
5. Hop around and find blogs that you enjoy. Be sure to tell them you are following them from Finding New Friends Weekend Blog Hop so they can follow you back!
6. Have fun!

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Review: Sound Among the Trees by Susan Meissner

About Author:
I cannot remember a time when I wasn't driven to put my thoughts down on paper. I attribute this love for writing to a creative God and to parents who love books and more particularly to a dad who majored in English and passed on a passion for writing.

I was born and raised in San Diego, California, and am the second of three daughters. My first writings are a laughable collection of oddly worded poems and predictable stories I wrote when I was eight. My second-grade teacher gave me the journal I in which I recorded these poems and stories. To my knowledge I was the only student in her class that she gave a journal to; she must have seen promise in me. In high school my freshman composition teacher found all kinds of ways to encourage me to develop my skills as a writer. Without telling me beforehand, he read the first composition I ever wrote for him aloud to the class. That's how much he liked it. I have never forgotten how it felt to hear him begin to read something to the entire class and realize it was something I had written.

I didn't do a lot of writing in the years my husband was on active duty in the Air Force, when we were living overseas, or when we were raising our four children. When we moved to rural Minnesota in 1993 after seven years in the Air Force — five of them spent in Europe — I became aware of a gnawing desire to write a novel. I ignored it while the children were young, choosing to try writing articles for magazines. Nothing ever got published however, so I began to think my best days as a writer had already happened in high school with Mr. Barone.

In 1995, I was offered a job as a part-time reporter for my county newspaper. The publisher gave me my own weekly column, In 1998, I was named editor of the Mountain Lake/Butterfield Observer Advocate, the town's weekly paper, after the county newspaper purchased it. I was honored to win several awards over the years, but the best part of my four years as editor was having my paper named the Best Weekly Newspaper in Minnesota by the Minnesota Newspaper Association in 2002.

That year became a rather pivotal one for me as a writer. My beloved paternal grandfather died in July 2002 — my Papa — and his passing had a profound effect on me. I suddenly had an incredible urge to write a book; a novel. I knew I didn't want to come to the end of my life having only dreamed of writing one. I resigned as editor of the newspaper, which was a very hard decision to make, and set out to write Why the Sky is Blue. It took four months to write and ten months to be accepted by a publisher and I’ve been writing novels ever since. My favorite genre is contemporary fiction with a historical thread running through it.

Currently, my husband is an associate pastor at a church in San Diego, and a chaplain in the Air Force Reserves. When I'm not working on a new novel, I am directing the small groups ministries at The Church at Rancho Bernardo. I also enjoy teaching workshops on writing and dream-following, as well as spending time with my family, listening to or making music, reading great books, and traveling.

About Book:
A house shrouded in time.
A line of women with a heritage of loss.

As a young bride, Susannah Page was rumored to be a Civil War spy for the North, a traitor to her Virginian roots. Her great-granddaughter Adelaide, the current matriarch of Holly Oak, doesn’t believe that Susannah’s ghost haunts the antebellum mansion looking for a pardon, but rather the house itself bears a grudge toward its tragic past.

When Marielle Bishop marries into the family and is transplanted from the arid west to her husband’s home, it isn’t long before she is led to believe that the house she just settled into brings misfortune to the women who live there.

With Adelaide’s richly peppered superstitions and deep family roots at stake, Marielle must sort out the truth about Susannah Page and Holly Oak— and make peace with the sacrifices she has made for love.

Paperback, 336 pages
Published October 4th 2011 by WaterBrook Multnomah
ISBN 0307458857 (ISBN13: 9780307458858)

A Sound Among the Trees by Susan Meissner (Chapter 1 Excerpt)

My Thoughts:
Susannah Page is rumored to be a Civil War spy for the North, labeled a traitor to Virginians and the South.
In present day she is known as a ghost searching for redemption of her past now haunting her home Holly Oak Mansion. Her great grandaughter does not believe Susannah is haunting the mansion.  She actually believes it is the house that holds a grudge against the past and is taking it out on the women of Holly Oak Mansion.

Now the mansion has a new resident Marielle Bishop and she soon learns about the haunting of the Holly Oak.  She is not sure what to believe and tries to uncover the truth.

I really got into all the history of Holly Oak Mansion  and  the residents of the mansion past and present.
The Civil War had done much damage to the Virginians. The fortitude of the South to rebuild their lives and their homes was heartbreaking knowing what they all went through.  The hardship of the slaves in the face of their freedom and rebirth of life must have been exalting.

How could anyone not feel as if their are ghost and hauntings  after so many lives and homes were lost in that war.

I highly recommend this book.

I rate this book a 5 out of 5.

I received a copy of this book from WaterBrook Multnomah/Blogging for Books.  In no way was I compensated for this review it is my own opinion.


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Review - Land Beyond the Portal by J. S. Bailey

About Author:
J. S. Bailey; born as Jennifer Schmid on March 28, 1989; is a lifelong resident of Clermont County, Ohio. She is an alumnus of St. Louis School and Clermont Northeastern High School, and plans to graduate from Northern Kentucky University in December 2011.

Bailey has made various attempts at writing over the years and is proud to announce the release of her novel The Land Beyond the Portal, which is now available from all major booksellers.

Bailey enjoys reading books by her favorite authors. She is especially fond of the works of writers Dean Koontz, Stephen King, Ted Dekker, Erin Healy, Tosca Lee, Edgar Allan Poe, Roald Dahl, and Eoin Colfer; and always loves a good ghost story regardless of who wrote it. She is also currently trying to read the entire Bible--a feat which so far remains unfinished.

When she isn't working, studying, or glued to a computer screen, Bailey spends time with her husband, Nathan, in their Southwest Ohio home.

Find J. S. Bailey on Facebook!

Find J. S. Bailey on Twitter!

About Book:
As Laura placed her left foot on the floor, something clicked and a low, humming vibration filled the room. Suddenly she was surrounded by an intense, blinding white light, and she was gone.

It's a dark, snowy night when Laura awakens at the bottom of a staircase with a horrible headache and no idea how she got there. To make matters worse, she is alone in the house, snowed in by a blizzard, with no way to call for help. While exploring the house in a desperate attempt to trigger the return of her memory, she discovers a small room beneath the basement. She steps inside, and an unknown force instantly transports her to a mysterious, pastoral land.

She finds a quaint village that at first glance seems like a peaceful place; but Laura soon learns that peace is merely an illusion. Why are terrible rumors circulating about the village's leader? Why do the villagers worship a sinister deity who bears no resemblance to her own powerful and loving God? Most importantly, will she ever remember who she is and find her way home? In her quest for answers, she uncovers a myriad of forbidden secrets that might keep her trapped in The Land Beyond the Portal.

Paperback, 252 pages
Published July 12th 2011 by Tate Publishing & Enterprises, LLC
ISBN 1617773115 (ISBN13: 9781617773112)

My Thoughts:
Laura takes a fall down the stairs. She awakens at the foot of the stairs with a headache and a rather large bump on her head. As she tries to get her bearings she realizes she has no idea as to who or where she is. Exploring the house she stumble into the basement and through a hidden door. As soon as she steps inside she is transported through a portal into a land of greenery unlike the snow covered landscape she just left.

This is when things become even stranger for Laura. She is found by two children who are dressed out of the ordinary from herself. They take her to a small village. The author keeps you guessing as to what in their world is going to happen next. Laura makes friends but wasn't sure who to trust in the village.

I loved the ending and anticipate the next book. I will be gifting this book to my teenage grandkids. I think they will enjoy the book even more than I did.

I rate this book a 5 out of 5.

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book from the author . I was in no way compensated for my review it is my own opinion.

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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Blog Alliance - Clash of the Titles guest post Michelle Massaro

**guest post by Michelle Massaro

For the last couple weeks, Clash of the Titles has been exploring two books delivering powerful death scenes. That's right, death scenes. The two books were The Vengeance Squad and The Redemption. We met authors Sidney Frost and MaryLu Tyndall and waited with bated breath to find out which title got the most votes. If you missed Friday's announcement, I won't keep you in suspense. Though the competition was stiff, the champion title is...

The Redemption, by MaryLu Tyndall


About the book:

Lady Charlisse Bristol sets off on a voyage in search of a father she never knew, only to find herself shipwrecked on a deserted island. After weeks of combating the elements, her salvation comes in the form of a band of pirates and their fiercely handsome leader, Edmund Merrick. Will Charlisse free herself from the seductive lure of this pirate captain and find the father's love she so ardently craves?

While battling his attraction to this winsome lady and learning to walk a more godly path, Edmund offers to help Charlisse on her quest--until he discovers her father is none other than Edward the Terror, the cruelest pirate on the Caribbean. Can Edmund win this lady's love while shielding her from his lecherous crew and working to bring her father to justice?

Can the supernatural power of God rescue Charlisse and Edmund from the danger and treachery that await them as they ride upon the tumultuous waves of the Caribbean?

A few of the comments from readers:

I loved the Excerpt B.....I look forward to reading the book..it seemed more historical and the genre of books I enjoy reading. I am personally blessed by many of the Christian fiction authors and want to say thank you for all you for your readers. God bless you both!

Someone turning to Christ at the last moment is always a touching scene. It tugs at your heart to know that someone you would never see again, now you will. Very touching!

Keep writing as God leads you. You are bringing God's truth to readers; some who really need those truths in their lives.

About the author:

MaryLu Tyndall, a Christy Award finalist, and author of more than ten novels is known for her swashbuckling historical romances filled with deep spiritual themes. 

MaryLu dreamt of tall ships and swashbuckling pirates during her childhood years on Florida’s Atlantic Coast. Unfortunately, instead of pursuing that dream, she worked as a miserable, landlocked software engineer for fifteen years. Only by the grace and providence of God, did she decide to answer His call to write a Christian Pirate series. Today, while writing her eleventh novel, she manages a home, husband, and six kids while battling three cats who have decided that her keyboard is the best place to sleep!  She believes that without popcorn and chocolate, life would not be worth living, and her sole motivation is to bring others closer to God.


What fun! For a sneak peak at the book, check out the winning excerpt here. You might also enjoy her fascinating interview here.

Right now, COTT is in the middle of a brand new clash so be sure to head over there to cast your vote. You just might win a free book!

Happy reading!


Friday, January 20, 2012

Here I Come Dallas!

I will not be online until Monday, the 23rd of next week. I am going to McKinney, Texas right out of Dallas to visit two of my daughters and their families. We are finally going to have our Christmas get together. I am so excited about seeing all of them. It has be way too long. I talk to them on the phone and online all the time but that is not the same as getting face to face. I will be getting to see eight of my grandkids. Will make sure to take plenty of pictures.

So see ya'll Monday!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Laurel Award-Winning Novel, Fairer Than Morning

*by Sr. Editor, April W Gardner

“I knew that I had just been given an amazing true story that needed to be told.” –Rosslyn Elliott, Clash of the Titles 2011 Laurel Award Winner

Portions of that story—Fairer Than Morning—won the majority of COTT reader votes in June when it took the victory in the “Best Protagonist” ring. In November, it competed against a long list of other COTT champion novels then took home the Laurel. More hearty congratulations go to author Rosslyn Elliott for her win.

Read June’s winning excerpt (excerpt B).
Read the Laurel Award winning excerpt (excerpt A)

The Saddler's Legacy series is inspired by a real family in American history--the Hanby family, who are to this day the most celebrated citizens of Westerville, Ohio.

About Laurel Award-winning novel, Fairer Than Morning:
Ann dreams of a marriage proposal from her poetic suitor, Eli—until Will Hanby shows her that nobility is more than fine words.

On a small farm in 19th century Ohio, young Ann Miller is pursued by the gallant Eli Bowen, son of a prominent family. Eli is the suitor of Ann’s dreams. Like her, he enjoys poetry and beautiful things and soon, he will move to the city to become a doctor.

When Ann travels to Pittsburgh, accompanying her minister father on business, she meets Will Hanby, a saddle-maker’s apprentice. Will has spent years eking out an existence under a cruel master and his spirit is nearly broken. Anne’s compassion lights a long-dark part of his soul.
Through his encounters with Anne’s father, a master saddler, Will discovers new hope and courage even in the midst of tremendous adversity.

When the Millers must return to Ohio and their ministry there, Will resolves to find them, at any cost. If Will can make it back to Ann, will she be waiting?

Learn more about the book as Clash of the Titles staff interviews the author:

Hostess Raqul Byrnes asks, “What led you to use the inspirational Hanby family and how did you first come to know about them?”
Rosslyn: After I finished my doctoral dissertation, I decided to try my hand at writing my first historical novel. I was living in Westerville, Ohio at the time, so I decided to go visit a small local house museum so I could research all the kitchen artifacts and farm tools. Before the tour, a guide took me into an outbuilding and showed me a video about the Hanby family, who had lived in that house. By the time I stood up thirty minutes later, I knew that I had just been given an amazing true story that needed to be told. The Hanbys lived romantic, action-filled lives marked by courage, and most importantly, they served others out of faith and love.

Hostess Lisa Lickel asks,“Rosslyn, what does “nobility” mean to you and to the era of your story and today? What made you choose that character trait?”
Rosslyn: The origin of that word on the back jacket of the book is that when my publisher and I were creating jacket copy, I had to come up with a condensed way to describe what it means to find a man of true value. And both in Ann’s time and today, the words noble man mean a man of great worth and high virtue. It also made a nice contrast with the apparent gentility and breeding of one suitor, who would fit the other meaning of nobleman far more obviously than the ragged Will Hanby!

Assistant Editor Michelle Massaro asks, “What circumstances led up to Will Hanby's down-trodden situation?”
Rosslyn: In the novel, we learn that Will’s parents and his sisters all died of a virulent form of tuberculosis which killed much more quickly than ordinary TB. (The novel never reveals this in such specifics, but the TB was disseminated bovine TB, for those who care, acquired through milk ingested on a visit to a cattle farm, when Will and his brother were not with the others!). Their deaths left only Will and his younger brother, who were forced to indenture themselves to farmers to avoid infection and work in exchange for food and board. The farmers were kind, but Will ends up under a much harsher master when he signs a new indenture with Master Good.  The historical facts behind what happened to the real William Hanby were somewhat different, but the effect was the same: out of dire poverty, he indentured himself in his youth to Master Good, and much of what followed was what also happens in the novel.

Talent Scout Katie McCurdy asks, “Which character, not counting Ann or Will, is your favorite? Did you have a certain character that kinda suddenly took a main role that you didn't forsee when you plotted Fairer Than Morning?”
Rosslyn: My favorite supporting character is Ann’s father, Mr. Miller, whom I admire so much that I honestly wonder how I wrote him sometimes. His was the part of the novel that seemed most spirit-led. But the characters who suddenly appeared onstage who weren’t part of the novel at all, in the original sketchy outline, were Mr. and Mrs. Holmes and their daughter Amelia! They showed up on that steamboat and began to take on a life of their own, and before I knew it they were a major subplot.

Listen to Another Interview:
After her Laurel Award win, Author Rosslyn Elliott was also interviewed by Christian Authors Guild board member, Cynthia L. Simmons. This is a podcast you won’t want to miss. You can listen to in our sidebar or find it by visiting this link.

The second in the series, Sweeter Than Birdsong, releases next month and promises to be just as compelling as the first. Below, in two short, yet intriguing excerpts, the author shares a taste of what’s to come.

But first, here’s a brief summary of Sweeter Than Birdsong, book two in the Saddler’s Legacy series.

Music offers Kate sweet refuge from her troubles… But real freedom is sweeter.

In Westerville, Ohio, 1855, Kate Winter’s dreams are almost within reach. As the first woman to graduate from Otterbein College, she’ll be guaranteed her deepest wish: escape from the dark secret haunting her family. But with her mother determined to marry her off to a wealthy man, Kate must face reality. She has to run. Now. And she has the perfect plan. Join the upcoming musical performance--and use it to mask her flight.

Ben Hanby, Otterbein College’s musical genius, sees Kate Winter as an enigmatic creature, notable for her beauty, yet painfully shy. Then he hears her sing—and the glory of her voice moves him as never before. He determines to cast her in his musical and uncover the mystery that is Kate. Still, he must keep his own secret to himself. Not even this intriguing woman can know that his passionate faith is driving him to aid fugitives on the Underground Railroad.
A terrifying accident brings Kate and Ben together, but threatens to shatter both their secrets and their dreams. Kate can no longer deny the need to find her courage—and her voice—if she is to sing a new song for their future.


Chapter One

Westerville, Ohio 1855
Her customary walk across the college quadrangle had become an executioner’s march.
Kate’s heeled shoes clunked over the flagstones. Her full skirt and horsehair crinoline dragged from her waist, too warm even for this mild May morning.
She climbed the stone steps of the whitewashed college building and laid hold of the black iron door handle with a clammy palm. The dim foyer led to the lecture hall. Her breath came faster and her corset squeezed her lungs. It had not felt so tight when the maid laced it an hour ago. Up ahead loomed the dark rectangle of the hall’s oaken door, which stood ajar.
She paused on the threshold. Inside the hall, a baritone voice lifted in clear, well-balanced phrases. The speaker’s persuasive power carried even here. Ben Hanby. He was the best orator in the class. She laid a hand to her midsection to quell the pulsing nausea there. If she did not go in now, she would not go at all.
At her push, the door swung open to reveal rows of masculine shoulders in dark coats, all heads turned toward the speaker. Each gentleman’s neat coattails fell open over his knees, black against the polished wood floor. Each white collar rose to the sweep of hair worn according to the current vogue, longer than a Roman’s but never past the collar.
On the raised platform beyond them, Ben Hanby stood, as natural and poised as if he were alone in the room, his dark hair thick over his brow. His eyes were intent, his face alive with interest in his subject, but his words floated past Kate in a wash of sounds her jumping nerves could not interpret. Of course speaking came easily for him—his father was a minister.
He finished with a question to the audience, and even her disrupted attention caught the subtle humor in the lift of his eyebrow as he delivered his line straight-faced. A chuckle rose from the young men, echoed in the lighter laughter of the small party of young lady scholars seated with their chaperone on the end of the front row.
Ben Hanby descended the stairs, the barest smile appearing as he exchanged glances with his friends.
“Miss Winter.” Professor Hayworth’s bass rumbled across the hall.
Heads turned toward her. Her skin tingled in waves of heat, her heart kicked in an uneven cadence. Could it stop from such fright?—the thought made it worsen, like a stutter in her chest that could not move on to the next beat.
“I am glad you choose to join us today.” Professor Hayworth spoke to her from the dais, beside the podium, full bearded in his formal black robe. “You have arrived just in time to give the first of our ladies’ speeches.”
She avoided their curious stares as her pulse quickened and her mouth dried.
“Please proceed to the podium,” he said.


All was quiet and dark. The boat bobbed like a cradle soothing a baby to sleep.
It didn’t calm Kate, who sat immobile in the prow. She laced her hands together in her lap where John Parker could not see them and dug her fingers into the back of her knuckles. She couldn’t stop the faint tremble that had started inside her and traveled to her hands. He mustn’t see her shaking or he would think her unfit for the errand.
The chirp of crickets set a rhythm for little splashes from the oars as John rowed them toward the Kentucky side. They were quite close now.
 She must shake off this dreamlike state. She peered at the riverbank as far as she could see to left and right. At least there was no sign of a lantern.
They bumped up against the reeds. John jumped out, heedless of the mud and several inches of water. He lashed the tow rope of the fishing boat to a birch tree.
She must move now. She clambered over the side and into the dark water.
The unfamiliar feeling of the breeches increased her sense of having traveled to some different life, some strange body. It could not be she, traipsing around the wild in men’s trousers. Someone else entirely had come on this errand—someone braver and stronger who just happened to resemble her on the outside.
A few waterlogged steps brought her to where John stood on the riverbank, like the shadow of a tree in the moonlight.
“This way.” He walked ahead of her, straight towards the thickest tangle of thorny bush.
If you would like to join the COTT Blog Alliance tour for this award-winning novel (Jan 14-18), please email us at contactcott(at)gmail(dot)com. 

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Review: A Texan's Promise (Heart of a Hero #1) by Shelley Gray

About Shelley Gray:

I live in southern Ohio with my husband, two teenagers, and two dogs. My days are filled with busy activities like most any other mom and housewife. But I also love to write books.

Each morning, after my kids go off to school, I sit at my desk, look out my window, and dream of other places. The hours fly by as I make up people and places and drink way too much coffee.

Writing for Avon Inspire has truly been a dream come true. Being able to spend my days in my make-believe world of the Brenneman Bed and Breakfast is a true blessing. I have enjoyed getting to know more about the Amish culture and tapping into my faith as I show each character’s progression toward a personal relationship with our Lord.

Before becoming a full time writer, I taught elementary school in Texas, Arizona, and Colorado. A job transfer to Ohio led my husband to encourage me to finally give writing a try. After all, I had notebooks full of made up stories.

I’ll never forget that first book I typed in our unfinished basement. It was exciting to make up a story, but also very scary. I was also so embarrassed, sure someone would come out of the woodwork and point out that I wasn’t a ‘real’ writer. But I persevered, and sold my third manuscript.

Things have changed a bit. Now I have a real office of my own. (think old guest bedroom!) My walls are painted pink, and more than a couple of book covers decorate my walls. But my days are still the same. I wake up, dream about other people, and do my best to type out stories.

Website:  http://www.shelleyshepardgray.com
Genre:  Religion & Spirituality, Romance, Literature & Fiction

About Book:

Past promises will be tested as new ones are given...

When Clayton Proffitt, foreman of the Circle Z Ranch in Texas, discovers Vanessa Grant crying in the barn late one night, he first thinks she’s gotten herself into another scrape. But when he spies the marks on her back and hears about her stepfather’s advances, Clayton knows he must spirit Vanessa away to safety.
As they make their way west, it becomes apparent that there’s something special between Vanessa and Clayton— far more significant than mere friendship or his sense of duty. Unfortunately, also heading west are Vanessa’s brother Miles and her stepfather Price Venture. Price wants Vanessa back for obvious reasons; Miles wants to earn his stepfather’s respect. Eventually, unexpected confrontations reach a harrowing conclusion. As their family begins to heal, their journey and trials they've faced helps them realize their future is in God's guiding hands.

Same author as Shelley Shepard Gray.

To Read Chapter One Click Here

My Review:
Clayton Proffitt, foreman of the Circle Z Ranch in Texas, finds eighteen year old Vanessa Grant in the barn crying. After he gets a closer look at her he notices she has bruises and blood on her. She confides in him that the injuries were caused by her stepfather, Price Venture. In fear of Vanessa's well being Clayton convinces her it would be best if he take her away from her stepfather and her home to find a safe haven at his sister's home. Clayton is very aware that Price will not give up searching for her.

Clayton's character is definitely a hero and he is a take charge kind of man. I loved how protective he was over Vanessa and was a gentleman at all times. Clayton seems to be able to calm a situation that has gone out of control. He shares his love and belief in God to all who were willing listen.

Vanessa's character was needy and very naive. She had a crush on Clayton since he began working on the ranch when her father was still alive. Yet she had no one to protect her after her father died. Her mother and her older brother, Miles had their own problems with Price. But Vanessa was unaware that Clayton had made a promise to her father to protect her. She agreed to go away with Clayton to hide away from her stepfather. While on the trail to their destination there were trials they had to endure. In her journey she matures from a girl to a young woman falling in love with her hero. But does he just see her as a young girl?

I highly recommend this book.

I rate this book a 5 out of 5.

I purchased a copy of this book for my own personal use. I was in no way compensated for this review it is my own opinion.

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Friday, January 13, 2012

Review: The Accidental Bride (A Big Sky Romance #2) by Denise Hunter

About author:
Denise Hunter is the award-winning author of 16 novels, including Surrender Bay and Convenient Groom.

Denise lives in Indiana with her husband Kevin and their three sons. In 1996, Denise began her first book, a Christian romance novel, writing while her children napped. Two years later it was published, and she's been writing ever since. Her books often contain a strong romantic element, and her husband Kevin says he provides all her romantic material, but Denise insists a good imagination helps too!

Genre: Romance, Religion & Spirituality
Published January 3rd 2012 by Thomas Nelson

About book:
Two high-school sweethearts, a wedding reenactment, and one absent-minded preacher. Is it a recipe for disaster or a chance for a new beginning?

Shay Brandenberger is a survivor. She's lived through a crazy childhood, a failed marriage, and single parenthood-with her confidence intact.

But not for long. Because when Shay participates in her town's Founder's Day wedding reenactment, she finds herself face-to-face with the one man who takes her breath away and leaves her weak in the knees: Travis McCoy.

Travis is back in town after years way on the rodeo circuit. His one regret in life is breaking Shay's heart when they were high-school sweethearts. He's determined to get it right this time.

So when their Founder's Day "marriage" is accidentally made official, Travis seizes the day. Can Shay put aside her pride to let Travis help her, or will their accidental marriage be dissolved before it can begin?

My Review:
This is the second in the Big Sky Romance series.  It could be read as stand alone but would be a much better if you read A Cowboy's Touch book one in this series.

Shay Brandenberger and her childhood sweetheart, Travis McCoy have eloped to get married in her happily ever after. But Travis forgets something very important and leaves her waiting on the court house steps.She waits and waits and Travis never comes back. Leaving her dreams of happily ever after and her heart shattered. From this day she makes all the wrong choices. She marries, then is abandoned again, but this time with a child. Then low and behold Travis shows back up in town.

This is a wonderful story of love and the pain of letting go of past hurt and the will and strength from God to be able to forgive, trust and hope.  The author created a strong since of pride in Shay that only God could penetrate.  There is a great lesson in humbling oneself displayed in the love and patience Travis has for God's will in this relationship.

The only happily ever after I look forward to in my life is God's will.

I highly recommend this book.

I rate this book a 5 out of 5.

I got a copy of this book from Netgalley/Thomas Nelson it was a personal choice.  I was in no way compensated for this review.  This is review is my own opinion.

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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Review: The Shadow of Your Smile (Deep Haven #6) by Susan May Warren

About this author:
I can't help be amazed at the gifts God has delighted me with - a wonderful husband, four amazing children, and the opportunity to write for Him.

I've been writing as long as I can remember - I won my first book writing contest in first grade! Over the years, writing has become, for me, a way to praise God and see Him at work in my life.

Although I have a degree in Mass Communications from the University of MN, my real writing experience started when I penned the The Warren Report - a bi-monthly newsletter that detailed our ministry highlights.

Living in Russia meant I never lacked for great material - and those experiences naturally spilled out first into devotionals and magazine articles and finally into my first published story, "Measure of a Man," in the Tyndale/HeartQuest, Chance Encounters of the Heart anthology.

Susan and husbandI grew up in Wayzata, a suburb of Minneapolis, and became an avid camper from an early age. My favorite fir-lined spot is the north shore of Minnesota - it's where I met my husband, honeymooned and dreamed of living. The north woods easily became the foundation for my first series, The Deep Haven series.based on a little tourist town along the shores of Lake Superior. I have to admit - I'm terribly jealous of Mona, the heroine of my first full-length book, Happily Ever After, a Christy Award Finalist published in 2004 with Tyndale/Heartquest.

Our family moved home from the mission field in June 2004 -- and now we live in the beautiful town I'd always dreamed of! God has amazed me anew with His provision, and blessings -- and allowed me a season when I can write full time for Him.

I 'm delighted you've stopped in to visit. My hope is that you'll be blessed and encouraged by soul-stirring stories of regular people interacting with a God who loves them.

I'd love to hear from you! I love getting mail, especially from readers and I welcome your questions and comments. Write to me at susan@susanmaywarren.com. And, if you're interested, sign up for my newsletter, a quarterly sneak peek into upcoming releases and projects. Thank you for your interest and support.

God Bless and Happy Reading!

In His Grip,
Susan May Warren

About Book:
A beautiful blanket of snow may cover the quaint town of Deep Haven each winter, but it can’t quite hide the wreckage of Noelle and Eli Hueston’s marriage. After twenty-five years, they’re contemplating divorce . . . just as soon as their youngest son graduates from high school. But then an accident erases part of Noelle's memory. Though her other injuries are minor, she doesn’t remember Eli, their children, or the tragedy that has ripped their family apart. What’s more, Noelle is shocked that her life has turned out nothing like she dreamed it would. As she tries to regain her memory and slowly steps into her role as a wife and mother, Eli helps her readjust to daily life with sometimes-hilarious, sometimes-heartwarming results. But can she fall in love again with a man she can’t remember? Will their secrets destroy them . . . or has erasing the past given them a chance for a future?

Paperback, 384 pages
Published January 1st 2012 by Tyndale House Publishers
ISBN 1414334834 (ISBN13: 9781414334837)
Website:  http://www.susanmaywarren.com
Genre: Historical Fiction, Literature & Fiction, Religion & Spirituality

My Review:
This is one of those books that I wanted to neglect everything and just read the book.  

Noelle  losing her memory and not remembering her husband, Eli and two sons was horrific. I can't image how she must have felt leaving the hospital to go home with people she thought of as strangers.  There is so much I want to say about this book but am afraid of spoiling it for the readers.  The author brought out so many different feelings in this book.  It was like Noelle was putting a puzzle back together with so many small pieces that did not seem to fit.  I feel as if the youngest son was the glue to this puzzle.  He was so needy to have his mother back.  The oldest son seemed to want to hide from the reality of his life. Then there was secrets that Eli wanted to hide from Noelle.  Too many secrets so much pain for this family. 

I should have paid closer attention when I chose this book because I wasn't aware it was a series. The book was alright as a stand alone book.   Now I want to get busy and read the others in the Deep Haven series.

I highly recommend you read this book.

I rate this book a 5 out of 5.
I received a copy of this book from Netgalley for review.  I was in no way compensated for this review it is my honest opinion.

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Saturday, January 7, 2012

Janet Tronstad author of Dry Creek Series

I have found more books to add to my To Be Read list.  I love Janet Tronstad's bio and the way she introduced herself and her Dry Creek series on Goodreads.                                                                                                                                                                                                                
About Author:
I 've been giving some thought about how to capture the themes that run through  my long-time Dry Creek series. As many of you know, Dry Creek is a fictious small town in the southeastern corner of Montana. I was born in that corner of the state, but my parents moved from there when it was time for me and my sister to go to school. It was so isolated there was virtually no way for us to attend school once they closed the one room school that had served the few rural families for decades. I doubt there were more than fifteen in all eight grades of that school (I would know as my mother was the teacher and she brought me to school with her in a basket of some sort. I spent the first few years of my life in that school before I actually officially attended).
WEBSITE http://www.janettronstad.com

In any event, even though my family moved to a more prosperous part of the state, the feelings of that remote area are woven through of family's life and find their way into the stories I tell in my Dry Creek series. When it came time to do what I call 'a bigger promotion' of my books, I decided to write a song to talk about the values of that area. Fortunately, I have a good friend who was a professional musician 'in the day' and was eager to help me bring my lyrics to life. I now have a You Tube of that song. I located Depression era photos to go with the song (one of those photos is shown here). These are actual pictures taken by a US government program during the years of the depression. You can listen to part of the song here. You will need to scroll down a little until you see my name and Montana Quilting Song.Come listen to a song I wrote. Lyrics by me, music by my good friend, David White. Depression era photos.

It's a tribute to my Dry Creek books.Montana Quilting Song http://www.youtube.com/


Rodeo rider Wade Stone never thought he'd step foot in Dry Creek, Montana, again. Not with his family's harrowing past. But nine years later, he's back on the Stone ranch and getting stared down by the townspeople. Except by Amy Mitchell, whose heart he broke after one sweet kiss. Wade knows she's afraid he'll leave again, but surely there's no second chance for them.
It seems the whole town—and her family—is against them. Until one beautiful Christmas sleigh teaches everyone the true meaning of the holiday.

I will be sure to post a review of any of the books from this series once I have read them.
