Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A Texan's Honor (Heart of a Hero #2) by Shelley Gray Q&A, Review and Giveawy

About Shelley

I live in southern Ohio with my husband, two teenagers, and two dogs. My days are filled with busy activities like most any other mom and housewife. But I also love to write books.

Each morning, after my kids go off to school, I sit at my desk, look out my window, and dream of other places. The hours fly by as I make up people and places and drink way too much coffee.

Writing for Avon Inspire has truly been a dream come true. Being able to spend my days in my make-believe world of the Brenneman Bed and Breakfast is a true blessing. I have enjoyed getting to know more about the Amish culture and tapping into my faith as I show each character’s progression toward a personal relationship with our Lord.

Before becoming a full time writer, I taught elementary school in Texas, Arizona, and Colorado. A job transfer to Ohio led my husband to encourage me to finally give writing a try. After all, I had notebooks full of made up stories.

I’ll never forget that first book I typed in our unfinished basement. It was exciting to make up a story, but also very scary. I was also so embarrassed, sure someone would come out of the woodwork and point out that I wasn’t a ‘real’ writer. But I persevered, and sold my third manuscript.

Things have changed a bit. Now I have a real office of my own. (think old guest bedroom!) My walls are painted pink, and more than a couple of book covers decorate my walls. But my days are still the same. I wake up, dream about other people, and do my best to type out stories.

Q&A with Shelley

What made you choose to write the series in this particular era?

I used to watch those old black and white western movies with my dad. I loved the good guys/the bad guys, and the heroines who were always in trouble! Since I grew up in Texas, writing historical westerns is a good fit for me, too. I live in Ohio now, so any chance I can get to go back to Texas makes me happy!

Why did you choose Christian Historical Fiction over Fantasy, Science Fiction or other genres?

Though I read just about any genre, I am a romance writer. That’s my favorite genre, and it’s the one I’m most comfortable in. I enjoy writing about my faith as well. For a Texan’s Honor, where so many of the characters had done lots of dangerous and ‘bad’ things, I loved showing how God’s word can help each of us.

Can you tell just a little about the next book in this series and when will it be published?

The next book, after A Texan’s Honor, is the last book in the trilogy, A Texan’s Choice. It’s Scout Proffitt’s story. Scout is a secondary character in A Texan’s Honor, and the younger, ‘missing’ brother of Clayton Proffitt, my very honorable hero from A Texan’s Promise. In A Texan’s Choice, Scout arrives at a ranch he won in a poker game to find Rosalie living on it. She’s got absolutely no where to go, and Scout is forced to offer her shelter. On the ranch, Scout is given a taste of what his life could be like if he dares to put his past behind him. But since he’s a notorious outlaw, it’s a difficult thing to do. I believe A Texan’s Choice will be out this fall.


Tell us something about yourself we might not know.

Well, one thing most people are surprised to find out about me is that I’m a pretty terrible housekeeper. I’d always rather be writing, or cooking. Or shopping…watching tv. I also have a little dachshund named Suzy that I’m very fond of. I keep threatening to go get a couple more wiener dogs…I’d like my own little barking herd. 

Do you have a muse?   Any special place that helps to get your writing juices flowing?

I am so thankful to have several contracts, which means that I’m almost constantly on deadlines. That seems to do the trick! I also have an office in our basement. It has no windows. I go down there every morning, and don’t stop writing until I get my page count done for the day.

What is choice of drink iced tea, hot tea, coffee black or w/cream, soda, etc.?

For most of the day, I drink coffee with creamer. But I am very fond of Diet Coke in a glass with ice. 

Are you more into blogging, tweeting or into Facebook?

Good question! I haven’t started ‘tweeting’ yet. I guess I like blogging the best, though I do enjoy Facebook. But all of that always comes after writing. I’d rather write than do just about anything else.

Paperback, 320 pages
Expected publication: March 1st 2012 by Abingdon Press
ISBN 1426714637 (ISBN13: 9781426714634)
series Heart of a Hero #2

About book:

Texas, 1874. Years ago, Will McMillan had fought in the open, next to his Captain, Clayton Proffitt. Now he’s waging another war undercover, pretending to be a member of the notorious Walton Gang. But when a hostage situation goes awry and an innocent woman is in the middle of the fray, Will knows he must protect her no matter what happens. Even if his cover is blown. Even if they risk being killed by his gang or by the lawmen on their trail. Even if the woman he’s risking everything for will never love him back.

My Thoughts

Will McMillan jumps a train with the Walton Gang with the intent to rob the train. They emptied the train of it's passengers with the exception of a few men and one woman. They normally would not have held a woman hostage but it was too late to set her free. Will did not like the idea of keeping the woman. She was being man handled by one of the gang when Will stepped in and removed her to another car out of harms way. The young woman was frightened almost to the point of hysterics. Things go wrong with the hold up and the gang start killing the men hostages. Will decided he needed to get this woman off the train and away from the gang.

There is another character in this book whom seems like a Billy the Kid type. He shows that even though he is a hired killer he has a tenderness about him. He does what he can to help Will get the woman off the train. 

This is an adventurous story with secrets, love, faith and honor. Will's character is quite the gentleman bandit. The young woman puts her trust in this stranger in hopes of staying alive. She later can't seem to help the fact that she is developing feelings for Will. 

When is it lie not a lie?  How would that hamper ones budding relationship?  You will have to read the book to find out.

I highly recommend this book.

I have rated this book a 5 out of 5.

Disclosure: I was provided a digital copy of this book from Abingdon Press via Netgalley.

 I was in no way compensated for this review it is my own opinion.

Giveaway 2/29-3/6:

Winner will be announce 3/7/2012.

Shelley has provided a copy of A Texan's Honor to giveaway.  

All you need to do is make a comment about the Q&A and the book.  Also with this comment leave your email address so we can contact you if you are the winner.

Follow me by Linky Follower or GFC . Leave the name you are using to follow.  Also leave your email address again with a comment about which you followed.

Join newsletter or by email on the author's  Website:
Leave comment as to which you signed up for  and leave email address again.


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Blog Alliance Interview with Lisa Lickel

* guest post by COTT Senior Editor, April W Gardner

The lovely Lisa Lickel has stopped by today to talk about her frigid Wisconsin winters, her 1830’s ship’s captain house, and her growing list of published novels. Join us!

Lisa is a Wisconsin writer who lives with her husband in a hundred and fifty-year-old house built by a Great Lakes ship captain. Surrounded by books and dragons, she is a multi-published novelist, has written dozens of feature newspaper stories, magazine articles, radio theater, and edits two magazines: Creative Wisconsin and OtherSheep. She is also the senior editor at Reflections in Hindsight.

Lisa is the author of A Summer in Oakville, co-authored with Shellie Neumeier, Meander Scar, Healing Grace, and The Gold Standard.

Wisconsin. Brrr! What's the coldest weather you've endured?
Lisa: The thermometers read in the negative thirties. The temp has to be at least twenty below, not just wind chill, to call off school. Once it’s minus ten or colder, it doesn’t really feel much different because you still have to bundle up the same.

Negative thirties? It was 24 over the weekend here in Georgia. You should have heard the complaining! LOL I hope you have a warm house. Speaking of which, does your 160 year ship captain's house actually sit on the lake shore? Which of the Great Lakes would that be?
Lisa: Where we live is inland from Lake Michigan about fifteen or so miles from Port Washington. It’s midway-ish between Green Bay and the current state line. The LaCrafts came to Wisconsin in the late 1830s and bought land as soon as the surveys were registered. I’m not sure exactly what they did or where they lived before this house was built in 1853, but I know that afterward he gave up his ship, which I’m guessing was a steamer or clipper with a merchant run between New York where they were from and Port Washington. Abraham Lincoln stopped at Port and speechified once, ya know.

Sounds like Captain LaCraft had a rather long and frigid buggy ride back and forth to his ship! Since you have such long, cold winters it’s a good thing your job doesn’t take you outside the home (much). How did your writing career get kicked off? 
Lisa: I was a church secretary knowing my kids were leaving home for adulthood and my job wouldn’t last forever I took the very expensive Christian Writers Guild apprentice course. I began writing for my tiny little local newspaper, features and government meetings, etc., which was excellent practice for “write tight.” Meanwhile a novel I wrote for the guild’s very first First Novel contest under Jerry Jenkins did pretty well, I wrote a cozy mystery for Barbour and signed with an agent from the guild about the same time, fall of 2007. And so forth.

Ooh, I’ve always wanted to take one of the Christian Writers Guild’s courses. Good for you for taking plunge, despite the cost!
I hear you love to travel. Do you have any funny travel misadventures you're brave enough to share?
Lisa: Okay–my husband likes these travel books called “Moon Guides.” You should look them up – they’re fun. Sometimes a little out of date, as we discovered on one journey when we stopped at what was supposed to be a mineral springs spa in the middle of – wherever we were. The motel had just changed hands and the proud grandfatherly owner showed us around, leading the way down this huge scary hallway with, I KID YOU NOT, stained ceiling tiles drooping with insulation showing, rather actively inhabited cobwebs, just totally gross, to the last two rooms in the place which he had fixed up. Out comes a very happy smiling couple from one of the rooms, exclaiming their delight with the place; he opens the last door with a flourish to a very mildew smelling room, air conditioner running full blast and a bed with an obvious droop. I wondered…well never mind. Hubby felt sorta bad about leaving, but, I mean, really…would you?

You bet I would have left! Nope, no guilt there. And it’s too funny that the other couple were gushing over the place. I wonder if he paid his neighbors to say that? LOL
You've been on staff at Clash of the Titles since its birth. Which aspect the site do you enjoy most?
Lisa: Working with you, of course. (Aw! Thanks, sweetie. And, ditto!) Meeting all the fantastic authors and finding out behind-the-scenes things to do with their work. And what I truly find fascinating is exploring books from all the different angles, such as “Best Romantic Moment,” “Best Back Cover Blurb,” “Most Delectable Hero,” – okay, made that last one up, but…something in the future?

Hey, that’s not a bad idea! Raise your hand if you want to see a Most Delectable Hero clash! 
How many of your books have been published, and which one have you gotten most positive reader feedback on?
Lisa: That’s a nice way to put it, April. As soon as The Map Quilt releases in April, that will make full length novel number five; my first book, MQ’s prequel, is re-releasing later on. I received some nice comments on The Gold Standard, the first book, and I have the most reviews and intriguing public comments on Meander Scar, an unusual romance I did in 2010.

Congratulations on the upcoming releases! Whoo hoo!! Each book an author finishes whether it’s ever published or not is a massive accomplishment. And I LOVED Meander Scar. I think I read it in one sitting, and I’ve never done that before. Ever. 
So tell us about this book you have coming?

The Map Quilt releases in April of this year.
Just how high a price does a family secret command?
Death in rural Wisconsin is only the beginning to new chaos in Robertsville. What do a stolen piece of revolutionary agricultural equipment, a long-buried skeleton in the yard, and an old quilt with secrets have in common? Hart and Judy Wingate, who met in The Gold Standard, are back to solve the mystery of The Map Quilt. Hart’s new battery design could forever change the farm implement industry. But after the death of Hart’s most confrontational colleague in a fire that destroys Hart’s workshop, the battery is missing.
Throw in a guest speaker invited to Judy’s elementary classroom who insists she owns the land under Hart’s chief competitor’s corporate headquarters, and a police chief who’s making eyes at Hart’s widowed mother, it’s no wonder Hart is under a ton of pressure to make sure his adventurous pregnant wife stays safe while trying to preserve his company and his reputation.
It sounds like a lot of fun. You're a talented author, Lisa, and COTT is privileged to call you its own!

Learn more about the talented Lisa Lickel at her site:

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Litfuse Tour: Blue Moon Promise ( Under Texas Stars series) by Colleen Coble

About Colleen:
Best-selling author Colleen Coble's novels have won or finaled in awards ranging from the Best Books of Indiana, ACFW Book of the Year, RWA’s RITA, the Holt Medallion, the Daphne du Maurier, National Readers' Choice, and the Booksellers Best. She has nearly 2 million books in print and writes romantic mysteries because she loves to see justice prevail. Colleen is CEO of American Christian Fiction Writers and is a member of Romance Writers of America. She lives with her husband Dave in Indiana.

For more about Colleen and her other books visit

About the book:
Book Number One in the Under Texas Stars series

A love like Lucy and Nate’s only comes along once in a blue moon . . .

Lucy Marsh's worldly resources are running out, but she's fiercely determined to care for her younger brother and sister. When she discovers that their father's recent death was no accident, Lucy is eager to leave town. She accepts a proxy marriage she believes will provide safe refuge. But trouble follows her to Texas where her new husband is surprised to suddenly have a wife and children to care for.

Nate Stanton always hoped he'd marry someday, but running the family ranch meant he had no time for romance. When his father deposits Lucy Marsh—a city girl—on his doorstep, with two siblings in the bargain, he expects ranch life will send her running on the first train out of town. But Lucy is made of tougher stuff than Nate imagined. When danger moves in, Nate finds he'd give anything to protect Lucy and the children he's grown to love. Even if it means giving up his ranch.

Link to buy the book:

Colleen Coble's Blue Moon Promise Facebook PartyBlue Moon Promise is a story of hope, romance, and suspense . . . immersing the reader in a rich historical tale set under Texas stars.

Kindle Giveaway and More! Save the Date - 3/13!

To celebrate Colleen is teaming up with her publisher Thomas Nelson for a "Blue Moon Promise" Facebook Chat party where she will giveaway a KINDLE Fire and a Texas-sized gift basket (fabulous Texas treats and fun Lucy-inspired housekeeping products)!

Click the banner, RSVP today for the Facebook Party and mark the date on your calendar!

Invite your friends and don't miss Colleen's evening of chat, trivia, prizes, and more.

Blog tour schedule:

My Thoughts:
Ever since the untimely death of Lucy Marsh's father, danger has been on her door step.  In order to flee this danger she accepts a proxy marriage when an old friend of her father's, Henry Stanton shows up offering her marriage to his son.  She feels as if this is her only chance to care for herself and especially her young brother and sister. But most of all to keep them out of harms way.

When she arrives in Texas things are not quite what she was led to believe. It seems as if her and her new husband, Nate Stanton have been hood winked by her new father-in-law.  Also it seems as if the danger she hoped to leave behind has followed her. Now it is Nate's responsibility to keep his new found family safe.
What would he be willing to give up to protect them?

The character of Lucy is a petite young woman that knows nothing about ranching but is more than determined to prove herself.  She had no idea how tasking a job it would be.  It seemed like every time she turned around her new husband was having to come to her rescue.  Had she made a mistake thinking he would accept her when she herself felt like such a failure.  She clung to her faith and the word of God and   she prayed fervently for God's will in this marriage.

Nate's character at first was not very nice but when the truth of situation came to light he was very much the gentleman and was determined to take care of his new family.  He found Lucy's trials in becoming a ranchers wife amusing and exhausting at times.  He was more patient with her than she was of herself.  He was also very patient and caring toward her brother and sister.  He was proving to be a good example for her brother and father image to both her brother and sister.

This is a wonderful story of faith, love and acceptance in a growing relationship between two people.  There are some shocking evidence that pops up out of the blue and hearts are broken.  But with faith and love hearts will forgive and heal with God's help.

I highly recommend this book.

I gladly rate this book a 5 out of 5.

I received a copy of this book from Litfuse Publicity/Bethany House for review.  I was in no way compensated for this review it is my own opinion.


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Review: While I'm Still Myself by Jeremy Mark Lane -A Collection of Short Stories

About this author:
Jeremy Lane is a writer living in North Texas with his wife and three children.

Jeremy’s first collection of short stories, entitled “Here and Gone”, was published in 2010 by Ether Books, a digital publisher located in the UK.

A collection entitled, “While I’m Still Myself” will be published in paperback by Tate Publishing early in 2012.
His work has also been featured in many literary sites and journals, including MUSCADINE LINES: A SOUTHERN JOURNAL.
A work of serial fiction, entitled “City On A Hill”, is being published by Ether Books throughout 2011

Paperback, 125 pages
Expected publication: January 10th 2012 by Tate Publishing
ISBN 9781617779

A passionate December love affair.
The meeting of an unexpected traveler.
The consequences of protecting a young new acquaintance.
A journey into an unknown past.

In the stories of While I’m Still Myself, Jeremy Lane eloquently describes the life changing impact of the brief encounter, showing that life and love are not shaped by an entire lifetime, but by the fleeting moments with unexpected people in unexpected places.

My Thoughts:
This was an easy book to read with several moving short stories. I shed tears over the first story That Winter.
The Reflection, Only Hers was the story that moved me the most. A young girl running from her own future. I cried hard over young Annabel.
The author has a most tender loving heart to have written these.
I hope to read more of his stories.

I recommend this book of short stories.

I rate this book a 4 out of 5.

I received a copy of this book from the author. I was in no way compensated for my opinion.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Clash of the Titles - The Almost Kiss Clash - Winner

*guest post by Raquel Byrnes

The Almost Kiss clash has been a whirlwind of romance, breathless moments, and possibilities! Your responses to the excerpts were amazing.Both books were great examples of riveting Christian Fiction available out there, but there can be only one winner and I am happy to announce that book is...
A Thyme for Love by Pamela S. Meyers!
Pamela's winning Almost Kiss excerpt was full of sparks and surprises. 

Here's a small snippet of the great scene:

...Marc tipped my chin up with his index finger. “April, you’re sweating.” He pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and dabbed my forehead. I had nowhere to look but into his eyes and, once there, I couldn’t pull my gaze away. Good thing I didn’t want to. His eyes went to my mouth and he leaned closer. I lifted my chin in anticipation. So much for the boss’s orders... 

He brought his mouth closer, and the tiny elevator started to spin. Then everything went black.

If you missed it, drop by Clash of the Titles to take a peek at One Breathless Moment...

We received positive reader response for this spunky romance.

"Great tension! I was riveted to every word!"
"Love the anticipation and butterflies in the almost kiss scene..."
"The setting was marvelous, the tension leaped off the pages."

A Thyme for Love is a wonderful example of the awesome Christian fiction available. 

This week, an exciting new Unpublished Novel Clash begins. It's hosted by our very own April Gardner! Make sure you come by for another chance to vote and WIN a free book!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

LINKY FOLLOWER Party Hop 2-15-2012

Many of you have probably already heard that

GOOGLE Friend Connect will go away

on Feb 29 for any one that is not with blogspot

but rumor has it that it is being completely phased out for everyone soon


there is good news

There is a NEW awesome tool–Linky Followers

It has so many amazing features (that GFC never had). If you have not signed up you should. (yes you can have both.) I love the new tool so much and want everyone to enjoy all the new features.

…and did I tell you its super easy and FREE!

What better way to celebrate a fun new blogging tool than to have a party
so break out your poodle skirt and saddle back shoes cuz’ we’re having a

1. You MUST have the LINKY FOLLOWERS tool on your site to participate.

If you see that your link has been deleted you need to add the LINKY FOLLOWER tool to your site and then come back over and re-enter your link
{You can have both the LINKY FOLLOWERS & GFC on your site but you must have the LINKY FOLLOWERS tool to participate in this party hop.}

2. You MUST follow the person who has the party on their site as a thank you.

3. Just add your blog button to the LINKY PARTY below.

4.Then grab the BLOG HOP code

You will find the code right under the Linky Party where it says CLICK HERE TO ENTER–

just under that it says: WHAT IS A BLOG HOP? GET THE CODE HERE

Click on GET THE CODE HERE and enter it into a post on your site.

You can grab the party button code in the FOOTER at Its So Very Cheri

You can grab info from my post if it helps you with your post.

5. Then you follow other bloggers–(as many as you want)
–leave each one of the blogs that you follow a comment letting them know you are following them and ask them to follow you back.

If you want to add the BLOG HOP to your own site you will get lots of new followers–(see rule #2)

Its So Very Cheri has and will continue to visit every entry-I try to leave comments but this party has had so many entries and in order to get to everyone I had to change things around. I will come by to make sure you have the Linky Follower tool and follow you. If I mess up and forget to come over and follow you please leave me a comment and I will come back over to do so. You will see my button in your list of followers.

So do ya want to go Cruisin’?
I plan on HOPPING from BLOG to BLOG to follow 
everyone who follows me.

If you would like to participate in a fun PIN party head over to the DIY Club and enter the monthly PINNING Party.
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Fabric Heart Bookmark Tutorial from Tool Time Tuesday

Found this darling Fabric Bookmark Tutorial
For all of you readers that are a little crafty 
you are going to love this!

You Can Find This Tutorial and So Much 

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Scholastic Top 100 Greatest Children's Books




Sunday, February 12, 2012

Spotlight On Michelle Massaro


*guest post by April W Gardner
"I often cry when I am in prayer for my children. When eternity breaks through the here and now and the only request left in me is please, God, bring my children into the Kingdom." -Michelle Massaro


It's my immense pleasure to introduce a lovely woman to you today, and offer an opportunity to get to know her! Michelle Massaro is my right arm at Clash of the Titles. I'd be lost without her, but she's so much more than just assistant editor at COTT.

Michelle married her high school honey, Mike, and they now have four amazing children. They are passionate Creationists and attend Living Truth Christian Fellowship in Corona, CA where they have taught Jr High studies and where Michelle is involved in the worship ministry. Michelle is also a homeschooling parent and an aspiring author of contemporary Christian fiction. She loves coffee, peanut butter M&M's, and new eyeshadow. Her blog hosts weekly Story Improvs, where readers are encouraged to jump in and add to the plot. Above all, she is a follower of Christ Jesus, unashamed to stand upon the Word of God from beginning to end.

Michelle, I love your blog's sub-header. It says "Follow my journey toward publication. Laugh, cry, point and stare-- it's all good. I'll leave a trail so that you, my fellow author, may have a straighter path to finding your own elusive publishing contract. Adventure awaits. Let's travel together..." 

Like they say in court, you've opened up a line of questioning. So! 
Regarding laughter...
Every time I watch Forget Paris, I laugh hysterically over Ellen driving down the road with a pigeon stuck to her head. Which movie makes you laugh hardest? 
Michelle: Wow. This was tough because I don't belly-laugh often enough at all. But one movie that comes to mind is Meet The Parents. Some might be offended because there is some inappropriateness in there, but I can't help it. It's funny! There are so many quotes that get me going. Greg's prayer at the dinner table for one: "and we thank you oh sweet sweet Lord of Hosts...for the ...smorgasboard you have so aptly lain at our table this day and each by day by day...".  LOL, I'm laughing just remembering all the hysterical lines from that movie!

You have me laughing, too! Visualizing Greg milking a cat... LOL
Regarding tears...
You and I are women. We're allowed to cry anytime, anywhere. It's our prerogative. I cried yesterday at the sight of traffic stopping for children exiting a school bus. It's a touching scene--the world coming to a halt to protect our little ones. When was the last time you cried, and what was it over?
Michelle: It is a touching scene! (Thank you! I feel better now.) I cry all the time. Seriously. Usually nobody is around to see but I probably shed at least a couple tears nearly every day. I often cry when I am in prayer for my children. When eternity breaks through the here and now and the only request left in me is please, God, bring my children into the Kingdom. But I also cry over physical weaknesses, regrets, longings, and even Disney movies. In elementary school I bawled over the movie Annie and begged my mom to adopt some orphans. Today I teared up watching a scene from Mulan (when she resolves to take her father's place in war), and my eyes stung listening to pianist Yiruma's Kiss The Rain for the first time.

Raise your hand if you teared up during that little speech! Must move on to happier thoughts before I drip on the keyboard.
Regarding pointing and staring...
Our lives are so much more exposed now with Facebook, blogs, Twitter, and all the rest. It seems we can hardly say or do anything privately any more, which can be a blessing. And a curse. What's the funniest social networking faux pas you've committed to date?
Michelle: This was hard too. (Great questions, April!) The closest thing would be when a secular writer I know posted about her new release on Facebook. She had some trouble with Amazon tagging because of the somewhat offensive cover image and turned to her FB friends for input on its appropriateness. I commented with a gentle opinion on why I thought Amazon might have tagged it the way they did, hoping to speak for the conservatives out there without being abrasive. What I hadn't considered, was that by commenting, her book image would appear on my wall in my "recent activities" and moments later my MOM left a scathing comment below mine asking why on earth I was posting this image. I messaged her privately to adamantly explain that I wasn't the poster, I was weighing in on the matter. I deleted my comment and told my mom she should do the same because obviously it was then going to be on her wall too. Oy vey! Lucky for me, the incident was small-scale and rather private. I suppose I've gotten off easy so far. But it's never easy being "caught" by Mom.

That's too funny! Mom's are great at catching us with our hands in the cookie jar, no matter our age! 
Tell us about that trail you're leaving for other writers. What was the last thing you posted about on Fiction Fridays?
Michelle: I've always posted things I learn and experiences I gain whether that's contest feedback, craft techniques, social networking (alot of that with COTT), or opportunities to pursue. I sometimes use Fiction Fridays for hosting Story Improvs where readers get involved and write a story together one line at a time. Last week I posted an update on where I've been and what I expect in 2012 and I ended with a story prompt. This one is a little different than the Improvs. In this one, I challenged readers to take the prompt and expand it on their own blog, then send me the link. I don't know how many will join the challenge and play the game, but it would be fun to see what different authors do with the same prompt. Wanna play? You can check it out right now:

Oh! Sounds like fun. Y'all make sure you head over there and jump in on the action. You've been with COTT since the beginning as a vital staff member, but looking through the eyes of a reader/voter (which you also are!), which part of COTT do you enjoy the most?
Michelle: I'd have to say I most enjoy getting that slice of a story I've often never heard of, and then getting to hear how it came together from the author. It's more personal and more focused than scanning amazon for sample chapters. And I can vote! Most of us love having a say in things and I'm no exception, lol. Being able to interact with the authors of the books I'm voting for makes me feel like I'm stepping into an elite circle of friends and as a reader, that's huge.

I heartily agree! Thanks, Michelle, for being so gracious to open your world to us for a little peek. It's been a blast! And now you must excuse me while I go dig through my DVDs for Meet the Parents. LOL
Michelle: April, thank you so much for this opportunity. I value your friendship and admire your work so much. I'm truly honored to be a part of Clash of the Titles.

We couldn't do it without ya!

Readers, do you have a question for Michelle? And don't forget, you can still comment on the Almost Kiss clash going on right now at Clash of the Titles!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Litfuse Tour - Rosslyn Elliott author of Sweeter Than Birdsong (Saddler's Legacy series #2)

About Rosslyn:

Rosslyn Elliott is the award-winning author of Fairer than Morning, the first in the Saddler's Legacy series. She holds a B.A. from Yale University and a Ph.D. in English from Emory University. Her study of American literature and history inspired her to pursue writing fiction. Elliott lives in Albuquerque, where she homeschools her daughter and works in children's ministry.

For more about Rosslyn, visit her website:

Link to buy the book:'s_Legacy_Novel:_Sweeter_than_Birdsong

About the book:
Music offers Kate sweet refuge from her troubles . . . but real freedom is sweeter.

In Westerville, Ohio, 1855, Kate Winter’s dreams are almost within reach. As the first woman to graduate from Otterbein College, she’ll be guaranteed her deepest wish: escape from the dark secret haunting her family. But with her mother determined to marry her off to a wealthy man, Kate must face reality. She has to run. Now. And she has the perfect plan. Join the upcoming musical performance—and use it to mask her flight.

Ben Hanby, Otterbein College’s musical genius, sees Kate Winter as an enigmatic creature, notable for her beauty, yet painfully shy. Then he hears her sing—and the glory of her voice moves him as never before. He determines to cast her in his musical and uncover the mystery that is Kate. Still, he must keep his own secret to himself. Not even this intriguing woman can know that his passionate faith is driving him to aid fugitives on the Underground Railroad.

A terrifying accident brings Kate and Ben together, but threatens to shatter both their secrets and their dreams. Kate can no longer deny the need to find her courage—and her voice—if she is to sing a new song for their future.

Read an excerpt here:

About the giveaway and party:

In this second in the award-winning Saddler's Legacy series, Rosslyn Elliott has written a stirring novel of hope and faith inspired by real historical people and events. With Ben Hanby, a genius composer, Kate Winter, one of the first female college graduates in America, and John Parker, an ex-slave who risked his life time and again to help fugitive slaves, Sweeter than Birdsong is full of real heroes to inspire us. "I hope readers will find a renewed sense of strength in their own lives," says Elliott, "knowing that change is possible, and our efforts matter. I want them to remember these unique, brave people in history who left us a shining example of what it means to live out one's beliefs with passion and commitment."

So to celebrate the music in all of us, Rosslyn and Thomas Nelson are hosting this "sweet giveaway".

One fortunate winner will receive:

  • A Brand new iPod Nano (Winner's choice of color!)
  • Fairer than Morning by Rosslyn Elliott
  • Sweeter than Birdsong by Rosslyn Elliott

Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends at noon on February 28th. Winner will be announced at Sweeter than Birdsong Author Chat Facebook Party on 2/28. Rosslyn will be chatting with guests, sharing a sneak peek of the next book in the series, hosting a trivia contest, and more! She'll also be giving away some GREAT prizes: gift certificates, books, season 1 of DowntownAbbey, and a book club prize pack! (Ten copies of the book for your small group or book club AND a LIVE Author Chat for your group with Rosslyn.)

So grab your copy of Sweeter than Birdsong and join Rosslyn and friends on the evening of the 28th for an evening of fun.

Don't miss a moment of the fun. RSVP today and tell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on the 28th!

My Thoughts:

I loved this book! It will break your heart reading about pain and sorrow people went through fleeing and fighting for freedom. This book gives us a look at the underground railroad from the heart and eyes of a two young college students who want more than anything to make a difference in this world. Kate Winters is very shy and withdrawn. But Ben Hanby, musician and song writer, sees much more in this young woman. He tries bringing her out of her shell and into a world she was unaware. Which happened to be reality. As Kate is pulled from her cocoon she was forced into, by an over bearing mother and drunkard father, her world explodes into a world of adventure and grave danger. This part of her new life she tries to hide from her mother but knows she must honor her parents and tell them the truth she encountered while on an outing with Ben Hanby's mother.

This historical fiction has adventure, suspense, love, faith, hope and redemption.

This is the second in the series of Sadler's Legacy and Ben Hanby's mother and father were the heroine and hero of the first book in this series.

I highly recommend this book.

I rate this book a 5 out of 5.

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book from Litfuse for review. I was in no way compensated for this review. It is my own opinion.

Blog tour schedule:

Friday, February 10, 2012

Book Review: by Jenn McLean on "Catch Me" by Lisa Gardner

                                     written by Jenn Mclean

So, I finally finished a fantastic book that I received for free from Penguin Books as an "Advanced Reading Copy" to be reviewed by ME!! I was so thrilled to be asked to do my first review. I must admit, I'm an avid reader. I know this is new information to most of you who regularly read my blog, Just Add Water Silly

Usually I'm waxing poetic about new amazing artists I've "discovered" on my travails through the blogosphere, or expounding on what fun it is to paint and have the outcome be just exactly what you wanted it to be. You are also probably used me interspersing these artistic centered posts with other posts about cool tools or new artist's supplies or even explanations about artist's techniques. What I have never done is review a book. Until today!

Now, back to my announcement. I LVE to read. I was actually kindly but mercilessly teased by friends and acquaintances alike about the fact that I was never without a book. Now that I have a Kindle it's filled with hundreds of books that I've read or have yet to read. I love it. What a thrill to have a book just magically show up in my mailbox, asking to be read and reviewed. Yes! I'm on it!

The title of this thrilling mystery (my favorite genre, by the way) is "Catch Me" by Lisa Gardner. The back cover pulls you expertly into the story by giving you two pertinent details...
  1. Charlie Grant claims she will be murdered in the next four days.
  2. She wants Boston's best murder cop, Detective D.D Warren to investigate her upcoming death four days hence.
This begs the question... Is Charlene Rosalind Carter Grant (known as Charlie) actually about to become Boston's next murdered citizen or is she just as crazy as she sounds. This is what Det. D.D. Warren has to find out and she only has four days to do it.

This book is the sixth in Lisa Gardner's series centered around Det. D.D. Warren, a Boston murder cop with a "get'er done" attitude. Det. Warren, now 41, has just had a baby. D.D's afraid motherhood is going to soften her. She comes off of maternity leave to find herself having to balance two unusual cases. One involving Charlie Carter and another that seems to involve a vigilante killer plumbing Boston's seedy underbelly for child predators. Yet the cases seem to strangely be connected. But how could that be?

Author: Lisa Gardner
Gardner is expert in instantly pulling you into her story. Her writing is tight and adds only minimal extraneous information. I didn't find myself thinking, "get on with it" once throughout this fantastic read. That's rare these days. So many authors seem to fill pages with every detail surrounding each character that one feels "trapped" in too many words. Not with Gardner. She gives many details but stops at just the right point where you're learning about the characters and their environment but you're not bored. It's a well balanced book.

Let me also say that her character development is perfectly paced. Her first "punch" of information to hold our interest is followed by enough details to flesh out each additional main character. In just one book I've gotten to to "see" the main characters as multi-dimentional people who I want to read more about. Gardner forces you to wish her books were longer and makes you thankful you can go and get her preceeding five books.

This is a "can't put it down, read past your bedtime" kind of book. Gardner adds double twists, keeping the reader guessing until the very last page. A truly spectacular read, I can't wait to peruse her other offerings. I'm hooked on this author and her fully developed characters!!Thank you to Penguin Books, I had needed a new author, they provided a perfect fit.

My suggestion, go to your local bookstore or and get this book. You won't regret it. I'll be back with a more art focused post soon.

We'll talk, have coffee. K?

Pin It

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

All Different Kinds of Free by Jessica McCann

About this author:

Thank you for visiting me on Goodreads! I'm the author of the novel All Different Kinds of Free and a professional freelance writer. My creative nonfiction and reporting have been published in Business Week, Phoenix, Raising Arizona Kids and ASU Research magazines, among others.

Reading and writing historical fiction is my passion, though I'm also drawn to memoirs, contemporary fiction, nonfiction, literary classics -- anything with a compelling story. I only review books I enjoyed reading, hence the abundance of 4- and 5-star ratings!

About book:

A free woman of color in the 1830s, Margaret Morgan lived a life full of promise. One frigid night in Pennsylvania, that changed forever. They tore her family apart. They put her in chains. They never expected her to fight back.

In 1837, Margaret Morgan was kidnapped from her home in Pennsylvania and sold into slavery. The state of Pennsylvania charged her kidnapper with the crime, but the conviction was later overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court. It was the first time a major branch of the federal government had made a pro-slavery stand, and the ruling in Prigg v. Pennsylvania sewed the bitter seeds of the states' rights battle that eventually would lead to the Civil War.

Yet, the heart of this story is not a historic Supreme Court ruling. It is the remarkable, unforgettable Margaret Morgan. Her life would never be the same. Her family had been torn apart. Uncaring forces abused her body and her heart. But she refused to give up, refused to stop fighting, refused to allow her soul to be enslaved.

Paperback, 274 pages
Published April 2nd 2011 by Bell Bridge Books (first published January 1st 2011)


Saturday, February 4, 2012

Clash of the Titles - Amish Clash!

*guest post by Delia Latham

It's been an edge-of-the-seat, flashing-swords kind of Clash between Vannetta Chapman and Beth Wiseman. These gals elicited some genuine response! It is beyond clear that both authors are well loved, and that their writing touches hearts.

This was an Amish clash, and if you missed it, you'll definitely want to check out the excerpts, as both were excellent examples of GOOD Amish fiction.
Beth Wiseman's The Wonder of Your Love elicits a whole tangle of emotions, with a dreaded meeting between an Amish woman and her deceased husband's Englitscher mistress.

If you missed our interview with Beth, be sure to stop by and check it out.

Vannetta Chapman's Falling to Pieces, on the other hand, paints a poignant picture of loss and confusion after the death of a loved one, all wrapped up in a stack of gorgeous Amish quilts.

And here's our interview with Vannetta.

I'd love to post every reader response, because I didn't see a single negative one in the overwhelming number we received…but in the interest of space, I had to choose just a few:

Please don't stop writing...because your gift transports me to another place, away from all the stresses of life and encourages me!

I love Amish Fiction. Both of these excerpts make me want to dive into these ladies' lives.

Hearing an Amish story takes me back to my childhood in the mountains of Kentucky. We read by lamp, the Bible mostly. Everything we ate we grew in the garden and canned on a wood stove for winter. The outhouse was about fifty yards from the backdoor. Thanks to both of you for taking me back. God Bless.

I love the Amish Clash as I love to read Amish stories. Having been in the homes of Amish people and corresponding so many years, my home has a room with all Amish figurines and dolls. Keep writing Amish fiction.

Keep writing! We all need encouragement to live more simply like the Amish!

I was drawn into the stories immediately, and now those characters are going to be following me around all day!

We are so grateful for this feedback from our readers! It's your involvement that gives Clash of the Titles its purpose.

So, which sword-wielding author came out on top?
As much as I'd love to name both of them (since they're so obviously both WINNERS!), we can only have one victor per clash. That victor, this time around, was:



A brand new clash is now underway, and it's the kind that will curl your toes. Head over to Clash of the Titles and vote for the best Almost Kiss!